Aggro MaxX

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Pre-rotation decklist
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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zailey 301

Helllll yeah reg MaxX is finally back!

Barriers got u down? We have Morning Star.

Tired of Sol ruining ur day with all those upgrades? MaxX always wins the current war -- open up their R&D for plundering with ur choice of orange current. That's right Sol, we see right thru ur lies.

Other anarchs too slow for you? Jump on the trashing train and ride.

With all our new scripts and taps we finally have the consistent cash and speed to keep up with the fastest corps, with a doomrig in the back pocket for the Bioroid Bonanza that has been sweeping the Reboot meta.

1 CC is not 3 but its perfect to draw with our scripts or ID. With 7 recursion pieces our heap turns into a junkyard for scrounging up whatever toy best suits the occasion.

My only tip is if u want the sweet rig with the suckers and the stars and all the accessories, make sure u save a recursion piece to install grimoire and/or NRE on the first pass through the stack.

ABR. ///\%_%\\