What Lies Ahead HB

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Deck valid after First Rotation
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Repartition by Cost
Repartition by Strength
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None. Self-made deck here.
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Fluffy1 606

This is my EtF deck updated for What Lies Ahead. I have removed 2 Chum and a Beanstalk Royalties for 2 Ash 2X3ZB9CY and a SanSan City Grid. I will continue to post new versions as I add new cards from data packs. We are currently adding 1 pack a week since we have experience with the NSG game. Looking forward to Trace Amount neither of the HB cards look promising. Maaaybe Amazon Industrial Zone but otherwise wait for Cyber Exodus with Project Vitruvius to replace Private Security Force.

1 Aug 2023 Woody23

Like usual, I support any great deck Fluffy1 makes. this one should not be neglected try it out now.

1 Aug 2023 Fluffy1

It's not 'great' but thank you.

1 Aug 2023 Woody23

When I played this deck, I noticed that the only economy was Hedge Fund & Adonis Campaign. I know that the ability gives you credits, but only once per turn. Don't you think this deck could use more money? like PAD Campaign or Melange Mining Corp.?

4 Aug 2023 Fluffy1

Money was never an issue.