i've mostly seen people building horde around <5INNER>
. this deck is built around the combination of <N3v3rmor3>
and <D4T4ddicT>
at heart you are parasite deck. despiesucker is much scarier than either piece on its own. build up lots of sucker counters and destroy lots of ice. p4 gets cheap taxers, while also forcing them to use a real ICE for archives.
respiro can lead to some truly outrageous draw 5 turns off of IHW, but it's more fiddly than inject+CC. delay drawing up for as long as possible and instead focus on runs if you have enough breakers to get by.
FESTER. don't forget cyberdex says may :[
imp is mostly for assets/herrings but also randomly does work
regarding odd breaker choices: 1 atman 1 corroder supplements p4 + d4 as your primary breakers against nbn. respiro, horde, and p4 provide strong centrals pressure vs rp to balance remote weakness. you can break a surprising amount of ICE with your face
basically parasite spam and p4 supplement a lot of your breaker plan, atman fills in some of the gaps. and trashing a few key ICE from centrals can fill the rest if you're lucky
oh yeah, and try not to lose memstrips to damage if the game is going long and you'll need it
OH OH yeah. the id abilities? n3v3r helps hit respiro threshold. d4t4 both extends despiesucker and combos with fester of all things. SYNERGY