Red Fisher

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Card draw simulator
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zailey 289

fun PE i've been playing since Reflections. went 2-2 in 8th constructed.

TORI HANZō !!!. she's buffed in Reboot, what if u can play her........................

MarineGEO circle logo

well she's definitely playable! but is it better than the precon? I don't think so.

what are the biggest losses? fenris, clone retirement, and EMP all shake the core of the deck. trying to score with guaranteed brain damage is less reliable when your remote ICE doesn't etr and you can't kill on 1 handsize. chip dmg from retirement is also sorely missed. needing the runner at 3 handsize to threaten scorched off cerebral cast is not ideal. ultimately the deck sacrifices too much.

i think there is an archetype here tho. . Usually you are reliant on an early HoN rush in PE, ToL and overwriter ask the runner to dismantle your board to stop you from getting it for free. tori brain dmg is easy to land with angler + thistle money. the threat of FA philotic is BIG

latest version i'm trying to get pack to the NA roots of PE with smaller agendas combined with a single biotic for 1 ToL. the deck either needs better rush ICE or better Yomi targets to be able to stand up to the precon!

tori hanzo til i die thooooo