[Jankuary] THE SEER 2

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Pre-rotation decklist
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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zailey 301

i faced a May Leela once and I thought, "why not in Ken?"

  • Always name Event and hope you draw your sporders xD
  • Test run and deja make binning a program with May not an auto-loss
  • there are about 5~ slots where you can play pretty much any crim event but its unclear which they are. I've played FAO and Planned Assault and I can see Networking or Stolen Contacts as well
  • Recon/Running Interference are totally a meme but look at that art damn. Win w/ good art > win without it (ok but recon is occasionally great and is always a click for a cred V_V)

May away!