Most Wanted List
Deck valid after First Rotation
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Repartition by Cost
Repartition by Strength
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zailey 301

This deck is based on the idea that the best way to make use of an extra click as the runner is to do things that take your whole turn. Similar to the corp, where you want to install AND score a 3/2. I had tried a couple variants of Hyperdriver and Wanton but they weren't that great. So I decided to go all in on the idea and this is what came out of it.

So yeah this deck is f**kin nasty. The general idea is to take 5-9 click turns where you stay up all night at Duggar's and draw your whole deck to install the singleton Aesop's before you crash and burn from all the stims you are hooked on.

In true anarch fashion you will almost always need to cobble together a rig to contest the remote before you are ready so you can skate across the finish line half on fire.

There are many lines of play so in the interest of brevity (and letting folks explore the deck on their own) I'll just offer up a couple of classic maneuvers.

  1. The "HYPERDESTRUCTION". Exile 'driver and hit 'em with a wanton for 5 (6-7 vs. TWIY), then run archives.

  2. The "Who brings a brain-in-a-jar to a nightclub?" (Ekomind on the table) Duggar's up to 15 and install Overmind with ~13 counters, then discard what you don't need.

  3. The "Stimhacker'z Rags to Riches ". Using the extra click from Stim Dealer, Day Job into Stimhack to jump from 2 to 20 credits (23 with an aesop's trigger).

throwback to a classic

After playing the deck a good number of times, I'd cut the Eater for something (anything) else.

Hope ya'll enjoy the deck as much as I do! ABD.