Bad mans get small hands

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Deck valid after First Rotation
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Gaslight 198

This deck was an exercise to see if I could get away from relying on sucker/NRE support in anarch. The answer? Bad publicity and shying away from fixed str breakers. There is still a mimic in case of triple architect or something, but for the most part red dog is a pretty efficient killer.

Vigil, Itinerant, and Fisk to keep things moving. Fisk does double duty if the current is up. Tallie is also amazing draw if you manage to find windows to add extra bad pub as well as decent scorch defense. People seem to try to rush against val so time your fisks accordingly.

11 Nov 2022 zailey

What's the 1 of retrieval run for btw? Could be an Ice Carver to help with the break costs since you're already on CF

11 Nov 2022 Gaslight

Just another source of recursion for d4/dog if necessary. It doesn't see a ton of play though, an Ice Carver is probably a better choice.

15 Nov 2022 presheaf

I don't think you want Ice Carver if you're on these breakers, as pure money probably any other econ is better. It's also a bit of a nonbo with D4. Maybe a cutlery event could be okay? If you pick Forked you indirectly make Cuj0 go further too, although Knifed is probably the best one overall.