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Gaslight 198

I played this in the 2nd Constructed league with some varied success. There are some obvious changes that can be made. Dyson and hostage rarely see play. Hostage can be nice if aesops is really buried but it's probably better off being a third Li or some other installable for the shop. Breaker suite is a bit of a meme, but I like dogs with aesops. It would be nice to have parasite since you pretty much lose if you run into waldemar, but then you would probably want to keep the dyson.

1 Jan 2023 zailey

The version I've been playing is:

-3 Dirty Laundry, -1 Hostage, -1 Legwork, -1 "Lady", -1 ZU, -2 Mr. Li, -1 Dyson, -1 Desperado

+2 Quality Time, +2 Special Order, +1 Passport, +1 Harbinger, +1 Pawnshop, +2 Drug Dealer, +1 Bank Job, +1 Sneakdoor

Pretty different actually!