
Most Wanted List
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zailey 301

Based on this classic list by Daine.

Tired of demoralizing your foes with a nigh impregnable remote? Demoralize them with a trashed rig and empty wallet instead!

This deck is as villainous as they come-- perfect for working on your maniacal laugh! Scoring an early false lead turns every server with facedown ICE and upgrades into potential demise for the runner's rig and their credits. Use this to score out your 5/3s, preferably PriReq.

Enigma does double duty early if they run without a decoder, threatening to close their accounts with Heinlein. Cyberdex can still blow up Mimic and friends the usual way if they aren't careful. ICE is flexible so maybe slot an Hourglass? Anything to twist the knife and keep the runner off guard.

Finally, it pays to single advance many of your agendas to bluff NAPD once the taxing upgrades are in place. You don't want to lose ABT (and you should always try to fire it with 18 ICE). Also gives you the option for trickery with the single Biotic and a 5/3.