
Most Wanted List
Pre-rotation decklist
Card draw simulator
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zailey 289

A trickier twist on the orthodox Blue Sun build without the flashiness of others.

The list mostly speaks for itself -- do the normal BS roadshow, play some OAIs, score behind big ICE protected by Ash, bait runs with Jackson, etc.

I've swapped some of the ICE around to support playing ToL which enables a different style where you rush out to 5 and then turtle up while neglecting the remote. If you score an overadvanced atlas (the old fashioned way) you can use it to fetch either the Hostile or the ToL to close out.

One other trick is to grab Mills w/ EBC to nullify the BP from an early Hostile or make Val players pay the price. I rarely use it to trash locations unless it opens a big scoring window.

Toybox is... definitely not better than Adonis in the slot BUT it's a must trash and sometimes they will run through the nasty remote to prevent you getting more than one free Curtain Wall, which they should.

The DBS is the glue that holds all the jank together, jam it in the remote and dig for whatever weird 1-of you need to surprise the runner. Or just more OAIs, kick 'em while they're down.