This is my new favorite Criminal ID, being what I wanted Nasir Meidan: Cyber Explorer to be, a deck that makes high value runs to steal agendas and uses as little econ as possible because you will lose it all.
You cannot use Security Testing, Armitage Codebusting, or any connections, so you have to run your economy off of Stolen Contacts, Exclusive Party, Elysium, ZDNet Access, or Zona Sul Shipping. You can use Daily Casts if you want but I would advise against it.
Use Gemon, Lamis, and Maron to make cheap runs and hopefully steal an agenda, which relieves you of having to pay the 2 fee for a successful run. Ash 2X3ZB9CY is annoying.
You have to run 2 copies of Plascrete Carapace, and against full-on kill decks you might even use both.
Multithreader is great for you, since it's the best source of for the Runner.
7/10 Great against popular, boring Corps like ETF, RP, and even GRNDL.