Resource: Connection - Virtual • Install: 1 • Influence: 4

When your turn begins, reveal the top card of R&D. The Corp may draw that card.

Looks can be deceiving.
Shaper • Bruno Balixa • Mala Tempora 48
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Woman in the Red Dress
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Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Woman in the Red Dress, one of the few Laramy Fisk: Savvy Investor synergy cards.

  • Changes: Install cost 3>1.

  • Pros: Before I go into the pros of this card, I want to explain how the dynamic usually plays out. You look at the top card of R&D, let's say its a piece of ice the Corp doesn't really want. They refuse to draw it, and now you know not to run R&D. If they do want that ice really bad and want other cards, they might take it. The top of R&D is now likelier to have an agenda, and HQ is a worse idea. This gets more complicated when agendas are on top. If they choose not to draw the agenda, they either want you to waste money bouncing off R&D ice, want you to waste money getting in, are already flooded and don't care, or they have Midseason Replacements and are planning your death. If they do draw it, you now want to run HQ. This is often good out of Laramy Fisk, since you can run HQ and make them draw it. You can also spot key assets and go trash them. Knowing what ice you are likely to hit is good, as well as knowing what flavor of their ID they are on, i.e. Kill vs. Vegan New Angeles Sol: Your News, SYNC: Everything, Everywhere, or Blue Sun: Powering the Future, Glacier or FA HB: EtF, etc.

  • Cons: Letting your opponent draw Scorched Earth or SEA Source or whatever they need for free is not good. I do not recommend installing this against Near-Earth Hub decks, as they love extra cards to install. 4 influence is a bit crazy.

6/10 Niche but useful.

(Style and Slander era)