CONTEXT: I have been playing a version of Andy-does-a-Ken-impression for a while now. Why, you ask? Event-based criminal is better in Ken..., right?
PREAMBLE: Ok so Forged Activation Orders, FAO for short, is a card. Is it good? The critics are out on this one folks. However, at least out of the Criminal faction, one would think there are better options. What if the target ICE is a pop-up-window?
The theory behind this deck is the following:
BODY: So here I am playing a Ken or maybe a Gabe deck out of the wrong ID. FAO turn 1 is just so good though, let me tell you. A 9-card opener is so many options...
The goal of this deck is to win on turn 1. How? Here are some examples:
Previous versions included Ninja, CompEmp, Parasites and PAD Taps.
Now that our beloved *pkew *pkew high-calibre killer is getting nerfed it's time to accept that this deck will never be Tier 1. It is Tier FUN tho hehe
9 Jul 2024
I love it.