blitz haas

Most Wanted List
Pre-rotation decklist
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Repartition by Cost
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None. Self-made deck here.
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zailey 301

i thought this would be bad but its not

its good

  • rex campaign is almost always money so maybe play something else? however, it makes ppl see red and facecheck fenris so i keep it
  • try and rush out some points as fast as you can. sometimes they let you score ManUps.
  • always fire abt except when runner is on game point
  • demo is good
  • blitz naming ManUps is so so good and no matter what they do they are losing if its out but if they overextend to clear it they lose even harder
  • sleepers is good and we can score it from 1c

the thing that makes this deck tick is the ICE.

3 architect, 2 grim? 2 fenris?!?! maximum anti shaper. against criminals you have crisium. against anarchs you have 2 magnet 2 turing what more do you want

IT dept is funny and bad but will waste time clearing it esp with your 4 click turns

whoever beats this deck first will be immortalized in the comments

30 Jul 2024 Fluffy1

You gonna take this to Summer Champs?

3 Aug 2024 zailey

nope its a bit of a meme. a surprisingly good meme tho. honestly i could've tho, it might've done better than RP ~_~!