The Prochessional

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Deck valid after First Rotation
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presheaf 118

Set up sick econ with Proco and Data Folding, and get mega Overminds with Deep Red. Using Overmind is expensive, but so is rezzing ice through Rook, especially if you have to do it twice. It does only go on one server, which will be the remote at first, but you can move them over to R/D and win with Maker's Eye eventually.

Your only central pressure is Maker's Eye, unfortunately, but you can get in anywhere with Overmind, and wage economic war on the Corp with Rook+Crescentus. Setup is a little slow, so I doubt this is T1. However, it does some things quite well and leads to an interesting Rook minigame, so I can recommend giving it a try.

(The Sage is mainly to answer Wraparound and Turing (and Creeper for Swordsman), but with your oodles of MU it's not out of the question to save money on Tollbooth and stuff. Pipeline might be a better choice, though.)

31 Aug 2022 presheaf

It'd be cool to fit Cybsoft MacroDrive. You install multiple Hyperdrivers, Crescentus, Rooks and Overminds, so this could plausibly make you 6 creds. Vamp would also help convert your big pile of money into actually winning.