A century of torpor...

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zailey 297

...leaves any vampire FAMISHED


Watch opponents bask in your antediluvian majesty as you Vamp them to zero over and over again! Plenty of event draw to speed to the bottom of your deck where you are the strongest. Install SOTs and stockpile Déjà Vu while you nap for a generation. Out money them and drink their blood (credits) so you can Keyhole with impunity. Getting the agenda in the remote on a vamp turn is a bonus.

Notes on card choices:

  1. I tried several versions without Levy but you need it to survive against corps that want to grind or kill you. This let's you play your plan confidently.
  2. 1x Ret Run. You can't let the corp rez ICE on archives. Be careful.
  3. Singularity to contest remotes, but it's a tempo hit that can use a recursion piece so think twice before firing. Making them rez the ICE protecting the remote can sometimes be enough to stall for time.
  4. Spam wantons to make them rez HQ ice before they want to.

I don't play a code gate breaker-- although Turing on central will put a damper on your post-hibernation feast, it is not impossible to play around. Slots are very tight.


The 'punks name for this rig is "NapX AR". Stay hungry :)

ONE tear before drinking the corp like a juicebox.
19 Oct 2022 zailey

If you want to play a less all-in version of this deck you can make the following changes:

-1 Keyhole

+1 Yog, +1 Mimic/Cerberus "Cuj.0", +1 Retrieval Run, +1 Crypsis

20 Dec 2022 TheBigBoy

3 keyholes is excessive for sure I think 3 wantons is too. There’s some slots :D