Agenda: Research • Adv: 5 • Score: 3

Place 6 agenda counters on Project Wotan
when you score it.

Hosted agenda counter: Choose a rezzed piece of bioroid ice currently being approached. For the remainder of this run, that ice gains "subroutine End the run." after all its other subroutines.

Haas-Bioroid • Daniel Atanasov • Creation and Control 6
All sets:
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Project Wotan
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Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Project Wotan, Mark Yale's best friend. The art shows a man in an armchair getting brain-taped, presumably this tape is used to make Wotan, which shows a seated bioroid and has 4 "End the run"s.

6/10 Decent 5/3.

(Style and Slander era)