Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Project Wotan, Mark Yale's best friend. The art shows a man in an armchair getting brain-taped, presumably this tape is used to make Wotan, which shows a seated bioroid and has 4 "End the run"s.
Changes: Agenda counters 3<6.
Pros: Make Waldemar 1.0 an absolute pain if the Runner isn't on Morning Star. Lock out Darwin, Knight and other decks that are bad at breaking subroutines. See my Restructured Datapool review for a run-down of 5/3s. Making Ichi 1.0 end the run is really good, since only Switchblade can break a lot of subs for cheap. Lots of agenda counters, you can get a lot of Mark Yale s if you want.
Cons: See Restructured Datapool for why 5/3s require you to build your entire deck around them. Morning Star means that you don't really want to add subs to an Eli 1.0. Yog.0 makes code gates often unsuitable to gain subs also. Run Global Food Initiative, Ikawah Project, Power Grid Reroute, Psychomagnetic Pulse, or Priority Requisition over this.
6/10 Decent 5/3.