--i|\| th3 Zo|\|3--

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zailey 301

**i'm super proud of this deck, it truly feels like the best that The Foundry: Refining the Process can be so I hope other ppl try this because it is super fun win or lose. special thanks to @Meryu for talking me down from all my bad ICE and convincing me to play the ultimate "3-of the 5 best ICE" suite.

-- Strategy --

EtF gives you money to pay for wincons and expensive bioroid ICE. Foundry only gives you speeeeed. Win fast or lose.

In the first few turns, either:

1) vs. CRIM (and horde)-- defend HQ and ICE centrals with pop-ups to slow them down.

2) vs. everyone else-- try and set up to score an ABT on turn 2 with the speed of AIZ. Always fire the beta test this is win or die time. If you hit an agenda it's whatever but if you hit an ICE you snowball way ahead.

Once you are on 4 points turtle up and FA out the win. You still need to go outrageously fast because your only defense against R&D lock is crisium and 'dex and that's flimsy. If they aren't on clot try and save the NLC to FA out a 3-pointer.

-- Cards --

The ICE is pretty locked in. Don't think you can get away with cutting pop-ups we are still not EtF and need all the money we can get. Using zone to make a scoring remote that is just 3 Elis, Silvers, or Hudsons is very good, do that. Another important server can be defended by a similar strategy if we draw another zone [ 🚨 ZONE IS NOT UNIQUE 🚨 ]

I am tempted to play a single Fenris for that perfect sentry suite but the bad pub actually hurts a lot when our whole plan is to win by a couple of credits while the runner is scrounging to contest us.

Most of my reps on this are with GLC instead of Lateral but I think Lateral is actually better, it let's you use BLC from max handsize and not discard.

9 Agendas for a FA deck?? Turns out that our ID ability thins our deck a lot, as does drawing tons of cards. The low density is essential for our strategy of single ICEing R&D until we are ready to FA.

-- Closing --

Rush is fun play rush

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