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zailey 301

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dodge this

21 Jul 2023 zailey

Flex slots are:

1) Aesop's. Kinda clunky, I use it because money is nice and it makes some of your cards make you more money faster (Armitage, Casts).

2) Tinkering. Pretty nice include, definitely could be Tinkering-on -a-stick if you're into it.

3) Red Dress. Flavor pick, but it's also good with Legwork & RDI.

Other things I would consider slotting in no particular order: Plascrete, another Personal Touch, Paintbrush, another SoT... idk have fun.


21 Jul 2023 zailey

OH YA ESCHer. Play that too.

6 Aug 2023 Woody23

so, what does this deck do?

7 Aug 2023 zailey

early game

Install Dinosauraus, and CoCo and facecheck (w/ CyCy if you think there is anything to dangerous) to get them to rez ICE and draw your deck for you. Your goal is to set up your 5-Str Yog, preferably with the Test Run + Scavenge combo.

mid game

From this point the only ICE that can hurt you is Archer and Ichi 2.0 so you want to lock the remote and pressure R&D with your interfaces until the Corp has installed 3 ICE on all their important servers. Since your deck is about half economy (money + card draw), the process of the corp defending their servers should accelerate you into a position where you can try to close out in this phase of the game with something like a Legwork.

late game

The Corp has finally triple ICE'd all their important servers. You now need to peel one away with Spooned or Tinkering. If it goes too long you probably lose as the corp will manage to make an impenetrable remote but with femme, Lady, etc. you can delay that for a long time.


Spooned and Red Dress are great fun and give it that classic "The Matrix" theme, but the best version of the deck makes the following cuts:

-1 Spooned, -1 Tinkering, -1 Same Old Thing

+1 Legwork, +1 Stimhack, +1 Paintbrush

The extra legwork is for the EtF FA matchup, the stimhack is for upgrades piles, and the Paintbrush prevents you from getting locked out in the late game.

7 Aug 2023 zailey

Oh yeah, and drop the Woman in the Red Dress for either another maker's or that Escher.

7 Aug 2023 Woody23

Wow, this deck is amazing!