Kim's Demolition Gang

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Woody23 29

Run HQ with Multi-access and Demolition Run. Use Knight to run though the ice, using a big source of economy to fuel it.

This deck runs Gang Sign. like the deck made by @Gaslight, it doesn't matter if you don't draw it.

W/R so far: 6-1.

This deck is designed to blow up HQ. This can be done in 3 ways:

1: Use Gang Sign

If you draw Gang Sign, You will be a very heavy burden to the corp. If they score their agendas, they have to let you in. Turn up the pressure with HQ Interface. Also, Edward Kim: Humanity's Hammer will help you more by trashing any operations you access. This will make HQ shrink in size and also sometimes wreck the Corp's plans.

2: Use Knight

Knight will let you get in HQ easily. It also means you can get your engine going quickly because it's the only breaker you need. This deck runs a ton of money to ensure that you can run HQ a lot. The corp won't be able to give you a hard time unless they put 5+ ice in front of HQ, which means they've lost anyway.

3: Use Both (I mean, seriously, your not going to play solitaire with Gang Sign, are you?

The corp will never have peace again.

A note about Kim's influence: his 17 influence allows you to run Desperado way easier while still having plenty left over.

Note: This deck doesn't need plascrete because it's rich and your going to trash those Scorches.

Note: This deck can't afford Sneakdoor Beta.

Note: Don't play Demolition Run until you have at least 2 HQ Interface installed. then do Same Old Thing to do it again.

Note: You must slam down Knight as fast as possible. Don't forget to move them over to their scoring server too.

Deck version history

2.0: Removed PAD Tap for a second Career Fair.