120 cards

Title Faction Type Subtype Set
Scrubbed 🥾 1 Event Current ●● The Spaces Between 34
Inject 1 Event ●● Up and Over 73
Cyber Threat 🥾 0 Event Priority ●●● Upstalk 13
Ekomind 🥾 0 Hardware Console ●●● All That Remains 93
Quetzal: Free Spirit Identity G-mod First Contact 52
Cerberus "Cuj.0" H3 3 Program 1 Icebreaker - Killer ●●● All That Remains 94
BlacKat 🥾 2 Program 3 Icebreaker - Fracter ●●● First Contact 53
Incubator 🥾 2 Program Virus ●●● The Source 113
Ixodidae 🥾 0 Program Virus ●● The Source 114
D4v1d 🥾 3 Program ●●●●●  The Spaces Between 33
Origami 0 Program ●● Up and Over 74
Lamprey 1 Program Virus ●● Upstalk 14
Duggar's 2 Resource Location - Seedy ●●●● First Contact 54
Fester 🥾 0 Resource Virtual Up and Over 75
Bribery X Event Run ●● The Source 118
Three Steps Ahead 🥾 0 Event Priority ●● The Spaces Between 35
Unscheduled Maintenance 🥾 0 Event Current ●● The Spaces Between 36
Paper Tripping 🥾 3 Event Priority ●● Upstalk 15
Box-E 🥾 1 Hardware Console First Contact 55
Autoscripter 🥾 1 Hardware ●●● Up and Over 76
Leela Patel: Trained Pragmatist 🥾 Identity Natural All That Remains 95
Cerberus "Rex" H2 🥾 2 Program 1 Icebreaker - Decoder ●●● All That Remains 96
Au Revoir 🥾 1 Program ●● The Source 119
Cache 🥾 1 Program Virus The Spaces Between 37
Switchblade 3 Program 0 Icebreaker - Killer ●● Up and Over 77
Zona Sul Shipping 🥾 0 Resource All That Remains 97
The Supplier 3 Resource Connection ●● First Contact 56
Power Tap 🥾 2 Resource Upstalk 16
Utopia Shard 7 Resource Virtual - Source All That Remains 100
Hades Shard 7 Resource Virtual - Source First Contact 59
Rachel Beckman 🥾 8 Resource Connection First Contact 60
Earthrise Hotel 🥾 4 Resource Location - Ritzy The Source 120
Ghost Runner 1 Resource Stealth - Virtual The Spaces Between 40
Angel Arena 🥾 X Resource Location Up and Over 80
Eden Shard 7 Resource Virtual - Source Upstalk 20
Code Siphon 🥾 0 Event Run ●●●● The Source 115
Net Celebrity 🥾 0 Event Current The Spaces Between 38
Trade-In 🥾 0 Event ●● Up and Over 78
Social Engineering 🥾 0 Event Priority ●● Upstalk 18
Cybsoft MacroDrive 🥾 0 Hardware All That Remains 98
Astrolabe 🥾 1 Hardware Console ●● Up and Over 79
Nasir Meidan: Cyber Explorer 🥾 Identity Cyborg Upstalk 17
Cerberus "Lady" H1 4 Program 3 Icebreaker - Fracter ●●● All That Remains 99
Refractor 1 Program 2 Icebreaker - Decoder ●● First Contact 57
Collective Consciousness 🥾 2 Program ●● The Source 116
Sage 🥾 4 Program 0 Icebreaker - Decoder - Fracter ●●● The Source 117
LLDS Energy Regulator 🥾 0 Program The Spaces Between 39
Leprechaun 1 Program Daemon ●● Upstalk 19
Order of Sol 🥾 1 Resource Location First Contact 58
Bifrost Array 3 Agenda 1 Initiative All That Remains 81
Domestic Sleepers 2 Agenda 0 Upstalk 1
Eliza's Toybox 🥾 2 Asset 4 Ritzy ●● First Contact 42
IT Department 🥾 2 Asset 4 The Source 103
Sagittarius 🥾 5 ICE 4 Sentry - Tracer - Destroyer ●● All That Remains 82
IQ 🥾 0 ICE 1 Code Gate ●● First Contact 41
Markus 1.0 🥾 4 ICE 5 Barrier - Bioroid The Source 104
Architect 4 ICE 3 Sentry ●● Up and Over 61
NEXT Silver 🥾 3 ICE 1 Barrier - NEXT ●● Upstalk 2
The Foundry: Refining the Process 🥾 Identity Division The Spaces Between 21
Enhanced Login Protocol 2 Operation Current ●● The Spaces Between 22
Peak Efficiency 🥾 0 Operation Up and Over 62
Heinlein Grid 🥾 1 Upgrade 3 Region ●● The Spaces Between 23
Encrypted Portals 🥾 3 Agenda 1 Security The Spaces Between 24
Labyrinthine Servers 🥾 5 Agenda 3 Security Up and Over 63
Hostile Infrastructure 5 Asset 5 ●● All That Remains 83
Turtlebacks 🥾 2 Asset 4 Clone The Source 106
Gemini 🥾 3 ICE 5 Sentry - Tracer - AP ●● All That Remains 84
Kitsune 2 ICE 3 Mythic - Trap ●● First Contact 43
Ashigaru 🥾 7 ICE 4 Barrier ●●● Up and Over 64
Mamba 🥾 6 ICE 6 Sentry - Psi - AP ●● Up and Over 65
Lotus Field 5 ICE 4 Code Gate Upstalk 3
Industrial Genomics: Growing Solutions Identity Division The Source 105
Cerebral Static 2 Operation Current ●● The Spaces Between 25
Mutate 🥾 0 Operation ●●● Upstalk 4
Port Anson Grid 🥾 0 Upgrade 5 Region ●● First Contact 44
License Acquisition 🥾 3 Agenda 1 Expansion All That Remains 85
Daily Business Show 2 Asset 4 Cast All That Remains 86
The News Now Hour 0 Asset 4 Cast ●●● First Contact 45
Reversed Accounts 0 Asset 3 Hostile Up and Over 66
Primary Transmission Dish 🥾 1 Asset 3 Beanstalk ●● Upstalk 6
Troll 🥾 1 ICE 3 Sentry ●● The Source 108
Virgo 🥾 3 ICE 5 Sentry - Tracer ●● The Source 109
Information Overload 5 ICE 4 Sentry - Tracer ●● The Spaces Between 27
Universal Connectivity Fee 2 ICE 2 Trap Up and Over 67
Near-Earth Hub: Broadcast Center 🥾 Identity Division Upstalk 5
Manhunt 3 Operation Current ●●● First Contact 46
Shoot the Moon 🥾 0 Operation Double ●● The Source 107
Targeted Marketing 0 Operation Current The Spaces Between 26
Midway Station Grid 🥾 2 Upgrade 4 Beanstalk - Region ●●●● Upstalk 7
Chronos Project 3 Agenda 1 Research First Contact 49
Utopia Fragment 🥾 5 Agenda 3 Source The Source 110
Eden Fragment 5 Agenda 3 Source The Spaces Between 30
Hades Fragment 🥾 5 Agenda 3 Source Up and Over 71
Shattered Remains 🥾 0 Asset 2 Ambush First Contact 50
Docklands Crackdown 🥾 2 Asset 3 Up and Over 72
Merlin 6 ICE 4 Code Gate - Grail - AP All That Remains 91
Lancelot 4 ICE 2 Sentry - Grail - Destroyer First Contact 51
Excalibur 2 ICE 3 Mythic - Grail The Source 111
Mother Goddess 4 ICE 4 Mythic Upstalk 10
Galahad 2 ICE 1 Barrier - Grail Upstalk 11
Snatch and Grab 🥾 0 Operation Gray Ops All That Remains 90
Lag Time 🥾 0 Operation Current The Spaces Between 31
Bad Times 🥾 0 Operation Gray Ops Upstalk 12
Shell Corporation 🥾 1 Upgrade 3 All That Remains 92
Self-destruct 🥾 2 Upgrade 0 The Source 112
Will-o'-the-Wisp 🥾 3 Upgrade 1 The Spaces Between 32
Superior Cyberwalls 🥾 3 Agenda 1 Security All That Remains 87
Helium-3 Deposit 🥾 4 Agenda 2 The Source 101
Executive Boot Camp 0 Asset 3 All That Remains 88
Sealed Vault 0 Asset 8 Facility The Spaces Between 29
The Root 🥾 4 Asset 4 Beanstalk ●●● Upstalk 8
Lycan 🥾 6 ICE 4 Sentry - Destroyer - Morph ●● All That Remains 89
Wendigo 🥾 1 ICE 4 Code Gate - Morph ●● First Contact 47
Errand Boy 🥾 3 ICE 1 Sentry The Source 102
Changeling 🥾 5 ICE 5 Barrier - Morph ●● Up and Over 69
Taurus 🥾 3 ICE 5 Sentry - Tracer ●● Upstalk 9
Blue Sun: Powering the Future Identity Corp Up and Over 68
Paywall Implementation 0 Operation Current - Transaction ●● The Spaces Between 28
Reuse 0 Operation Double Up and Over 70
Crisium Grid 3 Upgrade 5 Region First Contact 48

120 cards